Sunday, December 11, 2016


Week 43
(written 5 December 2016)

Dear cari, 

What a week we have had! It started off with lots of those moments where you're like "What do you want us to be doing right now, Heavenly Father, cause our plans aren't working?" But by Sunday we were surprised to see his tender mercies, answers to our prayers, and many many blessings. Some highlights from this week:

-Another good lesson with Rosy! Her son Mattia was there as well (he's this cute red head eleven year old) and we're excited and hopeful to see where it goes this week!! 
-Sorella Ferre stepped in dog poo on our way home one night. It was kinda the cherry on top of a day of cancelations and rude meno attivi. BUT it made us laugh a LOT and we took what came and loved it. ;) 
-Maninos! We had a great dinner with the Mannino family this week! She's the RS president and he's in the vescovado. Super awesome family and super strong! We felt right at home in their apartment and are excited to keep working with and helping this family.  
-Christmas Cookies!! We made a bunch of "Sii Una Luce" sugar cookies one night this week and have been trying to deliver them to ask many people as possible. 
-Participating every day in the Sii Una Luce // Light the World initiative. Mamma mia I love this calendar! It's made our day every day as we search for little opportunities to serve. My favorite was Friday, we wrote little notes for President and Sorella Pickerd and called the Garrets to thank them for being our mission "parents" as we tried to "Honor Your Parents like Jesus Did"
-And then there's SUNDAY which by far the biggest miracle of week. Our sweet 
Zina! I can't remember if I mentioned her in a past email, but we met her on a tram ride our first Saturday here and has a REALLY good conversation with her. She's come to every English Course since then with her cute son Christian, and has become such a light in our weeks. Last Saturday, we gave her a call and invited her to church, and she had things planned but was grateful for the invite. Saturday this week we were near her area and asked if she could let us pass by with some Christmas Cookies we were out delivering. She wasn't home at the time, but was like, "I'm going to try and come to church tomorrow...and Christian wants to come too." I finished up the phone call and was like, "Sorell...she wants to come to church!" We couldn't really believe that she had remembered but we were hopeful she would be able to make it.

Seeing as how it was the first Sunday of the month, it was fast Sunday and we decided as a companionship to fast for a few things in specific. 1) Zina and the chance to actually start sharing this beautiful message with her and her family. 2) A couple at English Course that we have been wanting to work with since we got her. Their older and so cute and always ask us questions about the church. 2) For hope and faith and trust. This week was full of good things, but we felt like we needed some direction in our efforts and a little bit of encouragement. We prayed and prayed and did all we could to seek help and guidance from Heavenly Father. 

On our way to the church building in the morning, we were both a little down trodden, tired, and hungry (haha). But as we prepared to sing the Sacrament hymn, we hear the door open and low and behold...who walks in?! Zina AND her son Christian. We look at each other with tears welling up in our eyes. We really couldn't believe it. 

We rushed to go sit by them and welcome them. It was testimony meeting so we were able to introduce ourselves to the Ward (finally) and bear our simple testimonies of the truths of the restored gospel. I know they felt touched by the spirit and they listened so intently to all the speakers. (Even cute little twelve year old Christian!) after the meeting was over, they were given a warm welcome by the Ward. They said they liked the meeting a lot, and we tentatively set an appointment up for Tuesday before English Course to meet and talk more. (Missionary code: sharing with them  this beautiful message!!) 

Seeing as how this little miracle happened with Zina and her son, AND my sweet parents celebrated their 21st anniversary this past week, I want to share on of my all time favorite quotes on the family. It's from Anziano Perrys last talk!

"My brothers and sisters, the restored gospel centers on marriage and family. It is also on marriage and family where we can unite most with other faiths. It is around marriage and family where we will find our greatest commonality with the rest of the world. It is around marriage and family that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the greatest opportunity to be a light on the hill.

Let me close by bearing witness (and my nine decades on this earth fully qualify me to say this) that the older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness." 

This is why I am here and this is what I want to do with my time in the mission!! Help a family. I've seen the blessings of the restored gospel and the things it has done for my family. And I want to help another family receive that as well. I know the family is ordained of God, and that they can be eternal. I know that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father, and that this is his work!

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Sorella Carver 

Sorelle at zone conference

Our 'Light the World' goodie bags

Sorella Ferre and me at zone conference

Sorelle Ferre and the dog poo moment

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