Thursday, February 25, 2016

Missionary Training Center

Week 3

BIG CHANGES and Having Courage

Hello all! 

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER JESSA! Give her a huge hug for me if you see her! 

And secondly, GO COUGARS! RISE AND SHOUT! I'm proud of you Jadie! Welcome to the fam. ;) Congrats to everybody else headed to BYU/BYUI. 

This week has been full of changes. Last Thursday night, we found out there was a mistake in the system, and we are due to be in Rome on March 7th instead of March 14th. They did everything they could to get us to be able to stay that extra week in the MTC so we could continue learning Italian, but the new missionaries are needed that week for replacements.

SO. I am headed to Italy a week earlier than I thought! 

And with that... this week I have learned a lot about courage. Our teacher showed us this video about Esther that I loved.

Sometimes we HAVE to face things that scare us. (Like going to a foreign country a week early than you planned! And not feeling confident in the language!) BUT, I love this quote. (I think its from Dieter F. Uchtdorf, but I forgot to check - so don't quote me on that...)

"All men have fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well."

We all have fears and challenges in life, but when we face them head on and determine to do what is right, our Heavenly Father will help us in every way. Sometimes, just pressing on and doing the little things that we can are the greatest acts of courage. (And helping others along the way is so important too!) 

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support! Next email will be T-minus 3 days till Italy. So crazy! So nervous, but mostly so excited to share the Gospel and the love of Christ with others. 

Love you all,
Sorella Carver 

Sister Leathern and me

"The Plan of Salvation" diagrams we created in Italian!
Missionary badges of the sisters in my district

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Missionary Training Center

Week 2

Good morning!

This week has been awesome! I hope it's been the same for y'all.

It's hard to believe I've already been here for two weeks! Some days seems to last for what feels like eternity, but before I know it, a whole week has gone by. Everyday we practice teaching and working with other people. So everyday we are learning to use Italian, and everyday brings new challenges and successes! We also have devotionals with amazing speakers every Tuesday and Sunday evening. These have been really awesome to go to. 

My companion's name is Sorella Leathern, and we have had a ton of fun working together and getting to know each other more and more every day. It'll be hard to say goodbye at the end of our MTC stay! 

We do a lot of the same things everyday, but hopefully once I'm in Italy, my emails can have more stories and experiences. :)

This week I've learned a lot about prayer. I'm so grateful for prayer in my life and the ways that it has blessed me. I know that prayer is a gift from our Father in Heaven, and that we can communicate with him by using this gift. During the week, I know that I can ask for help, express gratitude, or pray for comfort at any time. And that has been a huge blessing. 

I love this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley: 
"Get on your knees and ask for the blessing of the Lord, then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do."

Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, and when we follow through with the promptings and inspiration we receive we will be blessed even more. I know this because I've seen this work in my life, and it's my hope that you all will too. 

I love you all and I am grateful for you! 

Sorella Kaitlin Carver

Sorella Leathern and me

Sorella Leathern and me working hard in class!

My MTC District in the classroom:  these are the awesome Elders and Sisters I spend ALL day with EVERY day!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Missionary Training Center

Week 1

Hello all! 

For those of you who don't know, I'll be at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) for six weeks before I go to Italy. Here I am learning Italian and how to teach. 

It's been a whirlwind of a week but my new favorite phrase is "C'e la fate!" which means "You can do it!" This week has been filled with many new challenges and also many new exciting things. I'm learning so much, but sometimes it is really difficult! But this phrase has helped me keep a good perspective and remember that I really can do this!

I know, however, that we cannot do it alone. During one of our meetings this week we watched this video clip. If you have second, I hope you'll take some time to watch it. 

I love this quote from Elder David A. Bednar. He said, "We mistakenly believe that we must make the journey from good to better and become a saint all by ourselves, through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline. But the Gospel of the Savior is not simply about avoiding bad in our lives, it is essentially about doing and becoming good. And the Atonement provides help for us to overcome and avoid bad, and to do and become good."

I know that with the help of Jesus Christ and his Atonement, we can have our burdens lifted, we can be comforted when we are discouraged, and we can become who he wants us to be. 

I know that this is true, and knowing this has helped me so much this week! 

I love you all and hope you are doing well. :) 

Sorella Kaitlin Carver 

2005 North 900 East
Unit 92
Provo, UT 84602

My MTC Zone (I'm second from left, front row)