Hey, hey! Nice to meet y'all.

Here's a little bit about me.

I am Gulf Coast girl, always have been and always will be! I often find myself daydreaming about the South when I am away, and plan to spend the majority of the rest of my life below the Mason-Dixon line. ;)

From June to December of 2015, I went on an adventure and transplanted myself to the beautiful state of Utah to begin studying Dietetics at Brigham Young University. 

Those six months at BYU brought so much fun, friendship, laughter, experience, trial, and growth to me. 

At the beginning of my Fall semester, I submitted my papers to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. On October 5th, the call package with my assignment and report date came in the mail. I was absolutely thrilled and so humbled to find out that I would be serving in the Italy Rome Mission.

Since then, it's been a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation as I finished my semester at BYU, submitted my deferment, and prepared to leave for my mission. My mom will be posting my weekly emails I send home on this blog, and I'd love for you to follow along!

More about me: I'm the oldest of four. I have two beautiful sisters who I call my very best friends. I love the laughs and jokes we share together. I have a "baby" brother (he's nine... haha) who I think is the best guy in the whole wide world. Such a stud. He adds a whole new level of fun to our girl-run family.

I over use dot dot dots... and I am a terrible proof reader. (I apologize in advance!)

If I had to make a list of things I loved, it would probably look something like this:

Rain (something Utah lacks a lot of...and I'm not talking drizzles.
 I miss Florida's torrential downpours.)

Thunderstorms when you're sleeping. 

the beach


that ache in your stomach you get from laughing super hard

FLOWERS. I love love love flowers. (Way to my heart = flowers. Also food. So there are two ways to my heart....)

dancing (in the kitchen, down the hallway, and particularly when no one is watching. Or slow dancing with somebody else. That's fun too.)

running (sometimes a love-hate relationship, but definitely more love)

naps. (Don't think that needs much explanation... who doesn't?!)

cooking (I have a wayyys to go there, but I'm learning!)

Anyone who knows me knows that I have quite the sweet tooth. But the things I love the most are: Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate chip cookie(s)/(dough) ;), and root beer floats. 

trying new places to eat and loving them

hiking (that's new for me!!)

spending a day out on the boat surrounded by water (that's old, but it was a huge part of my childhood and something I'll want to do forever)

traveling and seeing new places (but at the same time, I love having "roots" or a place I can always call home!)

watching a good movie, in comfy clothes, with some great snacks and a few friends

the gospel of Jesus Christ

and my family, gotta love them! 

Things I don't love:

shopping on a budget (I mean, who does??)

donuts. (I might have lied about loving ALL sweets)

running (...see above)

Well...that's about it. Good thing that list is a lot shorter...

If you made it down this far, thanks for sticking around! I have a love for this life I have been given and need a place to write it all down. I'd love for you to follow along. Here's to the adventures the future holds!

Photos above taken by Indie Pearl Photography.

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