Sunday, January 31, 2016

Farewell Address

Had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament Meeting the Sunday before I reported to the MTC. These are the notes and quotes I used. :) 

JOY in the Plan of Salvation
  And the Race of Life

Overview of the Plan

In life we are often faced with and challenged by the questions:
·      “Where did we come from?”
·      “Why are we here?”
·      “Where are we going?”

Our hope and happiness lie in knowing the answers to these questions.

Today I’ve been asked to speak on the great joy that comes from understanding the plan of salvation.

In preparing this talk, I recognized three main ways that understanding the Plan of Salvation has brought joy into my life. I know there are many, many others, but today I’d like to focus on these three.

President Thomas S. Monson gave a great general conference talk titled, “The Race of Life” and a lot of his comments gave me ideas for what I wanted to say today.

Kind of on a side note, I started running and doing races in 8th grade, I ran XC  during all of HS, and I’m hoping that running will be a life long sport for me. And as I wrote my talk I thought of some pretty fun analogies that correlate with what I wanted to say today and also President Monson’s description of the race of life…

Okay so let’s look at these three things….

One: It Gives Us Purpose And Direction in This Life

Before a run or a race, I’ve learned that it’s best to have a goal, or a purpose, behind the run. So that could be something like times for mile splits in a 5K so you and PR, or a certain distance that you want to reach, or maybe during a run you just want to focus on improving your form. Doing this is super important, because otherwise you get started with your run and you find yourself wondering, “Why am I doing this?”…”I just want to walk or give up.”

Similarly, life can be tough when we don’t know why we’re here or what we’re supposed to be doing.

But gratefully, we are taught through scriptures that this life has a part in Heavenly Father’s plan for us.

In Alma 34:31-32 it says,
            “For behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you.
            “For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.”

In this life, we are to be preparing to live with God in the future. I love a quote from D. Todd Christofferson that states that, “God’s ultimate purpose is our progress.”

That’s why we are here. In Moses 1:39, we can understand that “His work and his glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”  But in D&C 11:20, we can find out again what our work is.
            “Behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all you might, mind and strength.”

So not only does knowing the reason behind our life on earth give us more joy and fulfillment, but we are giving a very special promise if we do our best to complete this “work” that we have been given. King Benjamin from the Book of Mormon explained this perfectly when he taught:
            “I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual, and if they hold out faithful to the end, they are received into heaven, that there-by they may dwell with God in a state of never ending happiness…” (Mosiah 2:41)

So just like I can get more out of a run or race if I have a goal or purpose, the plan of salvation helps us find more joy and fulfillment in this life because it explains why we are here and the great work that we have to do.

Two: It Helps Us Endure Life’s Challenges and Overcome Sin

Destin Half Marathon vs. Double Bridge Run
·      water stops vs. no water stops
·      thought it would slow me down and I didn’t need it
·      dead at the end vs. best run ever

Okay, so how does all of that relate to the plan of salvation?

Part of Heavenly Father’s plan was the Savior’s Atonement. He sent His only begotten Son to sacrifice for us. Because of this, we can be forgiven of our sins, comforted and consoled in times of tribulation, and continue to press on. 

In Alma 34:8-9, Amulek testifies of the importance of the Savior’s mission.
            “...Behold, I say unto you, that I do know that Christ shall come among the children on men, to take upon him the transgressions of his people, and that he shall atone for the sins of the world; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
            “For it is expedient that an atonement should be made; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God, there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish…”

But like a long distance race’s water stations, it takes our efforts to have the blessings, joy, and peace of the Atonement in our life.
These water stations are always there…they don’t move.
We as runners know that and we have to use them.
Similarly, we have to use the Atonement in our life. We have to seek Christ, come unto Him, and exercise his power in our life.

I love this verse in John 16:33 –
            “These things I have spoken unto you, that IN ME you might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Part of God’s eternal plan for us was the Savior’s life, ministry, and Atonement. I know that if we gain a testimony of the power of Christ’s atonement and use it in our lives, we can feel peace and joy and overcome the challenges and temptations that this life gives us.

Three: It Gives Us Understanding of the Importance of Families

“God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving environment, and prepare them for eternal life. The home is the best place to teach, learn, and apply principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Preach My Gospel)

 I love Hymn #263 “Go Forth With Faith,” and I especially love the line, “Go forth with love to tell the world the JOY of Families – That we may be with those we love through all eternity.”

As I looked for a running analogy for this one, I thought about all my Cross Country races and the four sport seasons that I ran, I realized just how much support I received from my family.
·      My mom would wake up at an unearthly hour with me on Saturdays to drive to my meets,.
·      Grandparents would often make it to a couple, and I could always count on seeing them taking pictures as a gracefully ran by…(Just kidding…grace has little to do with running.)
·      In fact, one of my favorite memories from Cross Country was a race where I was trying really hard to beat my best time, and my dad was able to be there that day. I’ll never forget his encouraging shouts and claps as I ran by that seemed to have a much more motivating affect than anything my coaches were telling me.

Similarly, our loving Heavenly Father knew we would need support and encouragement in this race of life, and families fill that role like nothing else can.

During the Fall at BYU I got to take a class called “the Eternal Family.” It was kind of a miracle that I was able to get in, I added it at the last minute, but it was really a huge blessing in my life and I learned so much.

My professor asked us to keep a journal log and add to it after each class. I’d like to share part of my last entry with you. I kind of cut it in half, this was the week before finals and I was really homesick, so the first part of it is a little dramatic and blubbery. (I can remember sitting in the classroom building hoping that no one would see me as I typed it because I was definitely crying..haha.) But I think the last part of it really shows my testimony of the family after taking this class:

“I knew that family was important before I left home, but these two semesters away have increased that understanding even more. Family is the center of all of THE most important things we have in this life. I reflected often on the way that my parents raised me, especially as we discussed topics surrounding parenting in class, and I realized just how amazing they are. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without their loving guidance, their kind instruction, and their constant companionship. I learned of the importance of the temple, it’s role in our family relationships on earth and in the eternities, and my resolve to settle for nothing less than a temple marriage was increased. I learned again that I am a daughter of God, with heavenly parents who love me and only want me succeed. The Family is ordained of God. I love mine now, and I cannot wait to build my own in the future. “

I know that the family is ordained of God and can be the greatest source of our happiness in this life. It’s definitely been in my life, and I’m looking forward to my own future family doing the same.

Sharing the Message

President Monson said,
            “Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal voyage without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him guidance to ensure our safe return. I speak of prayer. I speak too of the whisperings from that still, small voice; and I do not overlook the holy scriptures, which contain the word of the Lord and the words of the prophets—provided to us to help us successfully cross the finish line.”

We have been extremely blessed with the knowledge that brings us so much joy. Unfortunately, there are those who have no idea about any of this, and I think it is super important for us to make an effort to share it with them.

“ The ultimate goal of life is to assist in the fulfillment of God’s plan for his children, the salvation of human souls, and that, of course, pertains to our own souls also. It is our responsibility to bring a knowledge of these things to our Father’s children wherever they may be, to bring to them a living knowledge of the truth… Life is largely worthless unless it is held together, given shape and form by some great purpose, and there is no greater purpose than that of helping our fellowmen as well as ourselves to attain the glorious salvation which our Lord has promised to his obedient children.” (Jospeh Anderson – Eternal Joy is Eternal Growth)

I’m so grateful for the opportunity that I have to share this message on my mission. But I know that this isn’t just something that full time missionaries or apostles are supposed to share, and I know that as we make the effort to pray for guidance and opportunities, Heavenly Father will bless us with the chance to share it with people who are ready to receive it.

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