Monday, August 8, 2016


Week 26

Good morning, y'all and happy Monday!

This week has been a whirlwind and I'm not sure how it's already a new week. I hope its been a good week for each of you and you are enjoying your summer!

As I thought about what I could share in my email this week, a few things came to mind. But as I sit here typing, I feel like I need to share a few different experiences I had yesterday.

Yesterday at church was fast and testimony meeting, which is held every first Sunday of the months. On this Sunday, we have a testimony meeting, where members of the congregation are able to bear their testimony in Sacrament Meeting (instead of pre assigned talks by members like normal). For the past few weeks we've had a girl named Megan visiting our ward. She's from the States and is working on a cruise ship that ports near Ladispoli! Yesterday, she wanted to bear her testimony, and had one of the Anziani translate for her into Italian.

It's been a good six months since I've heard someone say their testimony in English, and though my Italian improves everyday, it was so rejuvenating to hear her share the things she knows... In my native language. The spirit was so strong.

She works with a girl on the cruise ship who began asking her questions about the things she believes in and why she does what she does as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In her testimony, she expressed how she had felt like a failure, that she wasnt doing enough to be a member missionary, and hadn't explained well enough what needed to be explained. BUT it wasn't until later that she found out this co worker had talked with another friend on the ship, and had said that she could "see a light" on Megan's face that hadalways impressed her. 

Megan went on to describe another experience she had when the ship stopped in Greece. A person on the tour had only known her for an hour, and didn't speak English perfectly, but did her best to say, "I don't know how to say this perfectly, but you have a light about you that's different and I can't explain what it is."

Megan bore a sweet testimony to me that sometimes it's our example, it's the light we bring with us, that makes the biggest difference. It makes up for our inadequacies, our fears, and our stumbles. The light in our eyes sparks a difference in others and makes them want to know what we have. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Later Sudnay evening we were in a spur-of-the-moment member present lesson/meeting these new potential investigators...(long story haha) and the member was explaining to these women that as missionaries, we leave home and family for 18 months/2 years to come to Italy and share the gospel with others. One of the ladies a few minutes later caught my eye and said to me..."Do you miss your family?" I couldn't lie. "Yes, so much!" I said, but with a smile. I added something like "But it's okay because this time goes fast and I'm here to share something that makes my family so happy!" She elbowed her friend, and says "Look at the way she lights up when she says that..." 

Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing much good here, like Megan said about her experiences with her friend. I can't share the gospel as fluently as my native comp can, I don't know the lessons perfectly, I don't always have my words perfectly strung together, I stumble a lot, and I can't always say exactly what I'd like too. I have to remind myself (often!) that that's okay! Because I carry with me the message with the greatest worth in all the world, and as long as others can feel that through me, then I'm doing all I need too. 

Ether 4:12 in the Book of Mormon says,
"And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me. I am the same that leadeth men to all good....I am the light, and the life, and the truth of the world."

This light that we all carry in us it the light of Christ. He is the light and his is the way that leads to happiness and peace in this life, and hope for the life to come. His name is on my name tag everyday, and it is His light I'm trying to share to that others can find the way. 

I know he lives, I know he loves us. I know that His church has been restored to the earth with the same authority and organization that was there when he walked upon the earth. He has provided a way, through his Atonement, for each of our Heavenly Father's precious children to return to our home. He is the light.

I love you all and I'm grateful for your love, prayers, and support! Vi voglio tango bene! 

Con amore,
Sorella Carver

View from our apartment in Ladispoli

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