Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Week 45
(written 19 December 2016)

I can't believe that this week is here already but I am sooooooooooo excited!!!
This week's been wonderful! Not a ton of huge things happened, but
just lots of little miracles, fun moments, and laughs :)

-Tuesday we had Pranzo with Sorella Luinetti for Santa Lucia (one of
the 173949473 Italian Holidays) quando si mangia Arancine and
Cannoli... We loved spending time with the Sorella who hasn't stopped
being a missionary since hers 40+ years ago and her sweet sweet mom
whose 93 year old soul is just so close to heaven. (To keep her
occupied they have her roll and roll and roll ribbons of fabric. I'll
attach a picture. We'd have to sneakily unroll some while she wasn't
looking so she'd still have work to do!)

-Wednesday I had a Scambio with Sorella Frogley! We had a great day
teaching English with the ragazzi at the Centro, visiting less active
members, and talking with as many people we could. We saw lots of

-Thursday was fun! We had a good lesson with our investigator Rosy. We
read from the Book of Mormon together and the spirit was really, really
strong. We're excited to see her progress :) After English Course, the
Garretts surprised us by taking us to a home store (as big as Lowes)
and getting us space heaters for our little, cold apartment! I haven't
been in a parking lot or store that big in 10 months and it sure was
weird, but we had a lot of fun haha. It's the little things.

-Friday was an adventure!! In all senses of the word. We had a less
active lesson with a woman the Anziani came in contact with and said
we should try and visit. This woman, since becoming a member of our
church, had left and started going to another church. I won't give all
the details, but let's just say she's exuberant and very passionate in
her mannerisms, and it was quite the show. Literally. 5 Guitar/Singing
performances and one very very loud, fervent prayer later, we were
leaving the palazzo with sparkly yellow butterfly ornaments as parting
gifts and a really big headache. Let's just say...that was one of the
most interesting Meno Attivi lessons I've ever been in haha! If you
could even call it that...?! Comunque. After that we headed out to the
GANS activity/FHE, which they had planned to go to the Palermo Street
Food fest that's going on this week. It was really crazy but fun. I
love Italians and their love of food.

-Sunday was great as well! I butchered the right hand of Joy To the
World in the Palermo 3 branch BUT we had the Christmas spirit going
strong. We helped a couple from SLC figure their way around Palermo.
They had WALKED all the way from their hotel to church that morning, the
poor things!!! We spent some of the afternoon helping them get back and
figure their way around, and then they showed up to our Caroling that
night at Politeama! Little things like that just make serving a
mission so great.

Seeing as how amazing last week was....I am SOOOO EXCITED for this
week! Y'all. Christmas IS HERE.

As I sit here trying to think of a message to share for this sacred
and special week, nothing seems to do it justice. So today I simply
want to add my testimony to the many we hear during this time of year.
I know Christ lives. I know he prepared a perfect way for us to return
to our Heavenly Father. I know he loves us.
He is the reason we celebrate this time of year. But he is also the
reason we can celebrate everyday of every year.
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have
overcome the world." John 16:33

How grateful and excited I am to be serving as a representative of him
during this special season.
I love you all and I wish you a merry Christmas!

Sorella Carver
English Corso diagram :)

Italian Lowes

Scambios with Sorella Frogley

service at the boys' school

Sorella Luinetti's mama, rolling fabric

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