Sunday, May 7, 2017


Week 64
(written on 1 May 2017)

Family and peeps! I hope it's been a good week!!

This weeks been crazy, weird, good, and filled with lots of
interesting things. Like every week haha! Heading into the week, we
new we'd be doing lots Finding, and that proved to be true haha. But
it was good and we found some pretty good people and had some fun
experiences along the way.

Some of my favorite moments from this week:
-Elizabeth (a cute P3 member) had a birthday on Saturday! She's only
been in Italy for less than a year, and is just going through a lot in
an already crazy transitional period of life. When we saw her Friday
night we were like "Elisabeth...we are bringing you a surprise
tomorrow. When can we come over?!" We set an appointment and got to
work making some brownies and a card. :) Saturday rolls around and we
go with Veronica to deliver our goodies and sing to her. Only...she
wasn't there when we got there. :( But after we called her and suonato
at the citofono a few times, we decided to leave it at the door and
let it be a real surprise. Turns out she had run out to do errands and
while she was out her dad called her from Africa, so she couldn't
answer. She was so happy for the surprise though and it was just so
sweet to help this young woman celebrate a day that could have easily
been forgotten. They always tell us to bring our gifts and talents to
the mission and use them to bless others... does baking count?!
Comunque, I love simple service. And I love Elisabeth!
-Thursday we were out doing some street contacting and an adorable old
siciliana woman was walking down the street with her nipote. As I walk
to one side to let her pass by, she stops suddenly and looks straight
at me and goes "Sei belllllllaaaa!" And just kept on walkin. Made my
day. And made us laugh. Was not expecting that!
-Also on Thursday after our spiritual Thought that we share after
every English Course, Cristina (remember her? She's Enzo's wife. I
love that couple) pipes up and goes "And now it's my turn. I just want
to thank you all for these thoughts you share every time. Sometimes we
run in life and forget to be still for a moment. Every Tuesday and
Thursday you help us remember Him and slow down for a little." I love
Cristina and I love her for expressing that to us. Sometimes, we do
things because we need to do them but they mainly go unnoticed.
Sometimes I feel like sometimes no one is actually listening to our
little thoughts...but she is! And that makes it soooo worth it.

-During ZC last week, the APs did an addestramento on the BOM and
using it to answer questions we get everyday. So this week during
personal study I tried to find an answer to a question every time I
read from the BOM. What a cool experience! Everyday I was able to find
something, and often, more than one!

-During Weekly Planning this week, we were getting a little distracted
because Transfer calls are looming on the horizon like a dark summer
thunderstorm. (Tonight will tell!) Anyways, the following dialogue
occurred (or something like it haha):

SC - "I just want to know. It's all so up in the air!"
SO - "Its all just like one big question mark."

That got us laughing so we proceeded to draw a large transfers = ?????
and taped it to the wall to remind us that we have no control over it.
I can't say that it really helped, but. It'll all be over soon. 😳

I'm so grateful that not everything in life is a big question mark. It
has really hit me lately that how important and valuable that
scriptures are. As I have studied with questions in mind, I've found
answers. As I've studied Christ and his attributes, I've come closer
to him. David M. McConkie said "Studying the scriptures trains us to
hear the Lords voice."

One night this week after it had been a long and seemingly
unsuccessful day, and I was feeling a little down and alone. I had
said my prayer and had a few minutes before turning the lights out. I
decided to open the scriptures and it just turned it all around. All I
have to say is Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers, just not
always in the way we expect. What I read helped answer a question that
I HAD and helped confort me. I felt that Heavenly Father wanted that I
felt that comfort, and had led me to remember that specific chapter
and that time.

Life seems to be a big questions mark sometimes. But as we turn to the
scriptures, we are more in tune with the spirit, allowing us to hear
and discern the lords voice and will for us in our lives. The pathway
gets a little clearer and the burdens a little lighter. I know that
this is true.
I'm eternally grateful for the scriptures, especially the Book of
Mormon. It's a real and powerful witness of Jesus Christ.

I hope it's a good week for y'all! love you all so very much! Let you
know next week if I'm still here or where in the world....!? Haha
Sorella Carver

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